Day 22-Kentucky
Hello lovelies, it’s the Grumpys from Kentucky! Today we woke up with mosquitos in our sleeping bags and
Kentucky on our mind. Our breakfast consisted of Pop tarts and oranges… again
(just kidding we love the Sneezys). After a few rest stops, we finally arrived
at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. There we enjoyed a 360 degree movie
and a tour with one of the best tour guides, Ferguson. After shopping we loaded
the buses and prepared for our next stop, the Original Kentucky Fried Chicken! We enjoyed fried chicken, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and
biscuits. It was amazing! We got to take some cool pictures with Colonel Sanders, and we got
some postcards. As the cooks served us our food, they wore the empty chicken
buckets as hats. Some people kept them on all night. After we enjoyed our meal,
we headed to our campsite. We began our skits and reminisced on the funny moments
of the trip. Even the staff got involved; they roasted most of the campers. We
finished up our skits with a group sing-a-long of “Today” and “This Land is Our
Land." Tears were shed during this moment, and it touched everyone’s hearts.
Later in the night, when the staff was asleep, all of the kids joined together
holding hands in a circle and sang the most special songs, including “Lean on
Me." Some of us even stayed up and waited for our Kansas crew to return around 4:00 a.m. It was exciting to be reunited and we are relieved that they were able to meet back up with us smoothly. This was a very special ending on the last night of our life changing
adventure. Hardly any campers slept because everybody wanted to make the most
of the last night together. Tonight was a memorable night for all of us, and it
will forever have a special place in our hearts. We’ll see you tomorrow, Grumpy
Gang out.