Day 8-Santa Monica, CA

Day 8: Santa Monica

Hey guys the Sleepy group is taking over the blog for our stay in the great state of California. We are Emily Sauls, Amber Roach, Kiran Gosrani, Caroline Willards, Harrison Thomas, Ian Objio, Madeline Gilstrap, Alyssa Girlie, Scarlett Rackley, Jacob Kimble, Maddie Lowry, Nora Grace McKenzie, and Ella Smith. Today we aren’t the only sleepy ones; we’ve had a busy past few days. Last night after Las Vegas we slept overnight on our bus and vans while we drove to Santa Monica Beach. We all have a lot of respect for our drivers as they had to sleep in the aisles to make sure they were well rested for the long drive. We arrived there around 7:00am and we had the whole beach to ourselves. We hopped off the bus (sadly not at LAX) and went to change into our swimsuits on the pier. We headed down to the parking lot where we were greeted by the Bashfuls breakfast of French toast, sausages, and apples. 

Ty and Amber getting some breakfast

Abby and Sami

the Bashfuls cooking french toast
Once we were all filled up on grub we ran over to the beach to have our Vegas Chant competition. The groups got really creative with many different covers of songs about traveling out west and the experiences we’ve had on the trip so far. The Sleepys did a great job with our chant but were taken down by the Happys who had a really great rap (we still think it was rigged). 

Ashley and Riley

Harrison forgot his shoes on the beach (this is a common trend)

After the competition was finished everyone was let loose to explore the beach and pier of Santa Monica. A lot of people headed straight into the Pacific Ocean to swim, but we soon found out the water is much colder than the Atlantic. People were bodysurfing, splashing each other, jumping waves, chicken fighting, and having lots of fun with friends in the water. Others decided against the ocean and layed out on the cool beach not knowing how harsh the sun was going to be. We have a few lobsters in our campsite tonight, with CJ Hill coming in first place looking like Bob the Tomato from VeggieTales. Along with sunburn we also had an injury in our group to Kiran who stepped on a shell and started bleeding on the beach. He recovered and got to enjoy the rest of his day. Harrsion buried himself on the beach like he says he always does. His face was also used for a ball stand when people decided to play soccer, which was really more like golf (no Harrison was injured in the making of this blog). Once we all caught some rays we went in for lunch of ham or turkey sandwiches with chips, cookies, and apples. Some stayed near the bus with friends while others enjoyed a picnic on the beach. When we were all full, people spread out again staying on the beach or heading over to the pier. A lot of us really liked the different things the pier had to offer like souvenir shops, amusement rides, restaurants and coffee shops (emphasis on the coffee), and different live music. We soaked up our last few minutes on the beach and climbed, a little sandy, onto the bus to drive to Anaheim where we’ll be sleeping before Disneyland tomorrow.

Abi and Ella

After we had spent the day having fun at the beach and riding on the bus we were all excited to arrive at our campsite, Canyon RV Park. 

Getting the vans clean

So many helping hands

Our bloggers, the Sleepys

One we got there we began to do our new jobs and the cooks went to Walmart to grab our dinner. They fixed us a nice pot of spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread with a dessert or rice krispies or oreos. Miss Beautiful told us about our next day and we are so excited to be able to spend 12 whole hours in Disneyland tomorrow. Signing out so that we Sleepys can get some rest (along with the rest of TWB).


The Sleepys