Day 15: Salt Lake City and Bear Lake
Hey my dudes, it’s the Sneezy group again. Today we dived into Salt Lake City, Utah and had bunches of fun. We had a really short drive this morning (thank goodness!) in order to get to the city. The short drive didn’t really give us time to nap, but since we slept in until almost 7:00 a.m. it was okay.
The first thing we did was visit the local Mormons of Salt Lake City. TWB completely took over. There were never so many loud teenagers in one quiet place. It was a super nice day to walk around and learn about the religion of others. We were split into three different groups and we each learned something different and got to take in the sights at the tabernacle.
After the Mormons we went to the MALL!!! Half of us are broke but we were still excited about spending money. Most of us raced to Chick-Fil-A immediately. We all missed our favorite Southern fast food joint. They even had sweet tea!!! We walked around full and happy for around two hours and spent more of our declining money.

Soon after we piled back on the bus to drive to our next campsite at Bear Lake. Everyone of the bus either slept or sang along to the amazing TWB playlist. Our group singing is slowly getting better…maybe. Meanwhile on the vans most people just slept. For those who stayed awake, they were treated to the amazing mountains carved by the Logan River.

Our grand champion water balloon tossers! |
When we arrived at Bear Lake, we changed into our bathing suits for our water balloon toss competition. It was a very intense battle between the Sneezys and the Happys. For the first time, the Sneezys won, we were overjoyed. Daisy got a picture of our two champions Owen and Walker while Alyssa and Dustin dumped water all over them. It was great. In celebration we all went swimming in the ice cold Bear Lake. A couple of us chicken fought, and got blue from the cold. We all had a blast.
Our cooks provided us with an amazing meal of pulled pork sandwiches with mac n' cheese and corn. It was actually one of the best meals we’ve had on this trip. It was great!! It’s also MAIL DAY!!! We finally get mail from our family and friends!! Everyone was super happy and many cried. Even though there were tears we were all so happy to hear from the people we love. We're going to go enjoy opening the rest of our letters and packages before heading to bed tonight. We're hoping it's not too cold, we have an early start tomorrow!
The mail after driving |
The mail before driving |
Brooke Henley protecting herself from the mosquitoes |
My wonderful bloggers |
Harrison with his mail |
See y'all tomorrow!
The Sneezys