Grand Canyon Quotes

“It was so amazing and unlike anything I have ever seen”
–Emily Sauls, Whiteville
“It was indescribable, it’s so shocking that something that
breathtaking is on our planet.” –Madeline Gilstrap, Union
“It’s just too gorgeous to describe.” –Caroline Willard,
“oMg I LoVe tHe gRaND CaNyOn”—Nora Grace McKenzie, Elon
“We’ve all seen pictures of it before, but experiencing it
was unreal.” –Maddie Lowry, Gastonia
“There are no words to describe the Grand Canyon other than
absolutely breathtaking and unimaginable.” –Ella Smith, Belmont
“We’re in the freaking Grand Canyon.” – Kiran Gosrani,
“Boy this Canyon sure is Grand.” –Amber Roach, Cherryville
“Having hiked in the Alps I can confirm that this Canyon is,
in fact, Grand.” –Ian Objio, Mooresville
“It was like is own different, amazing world down there.” –
Jacob Kimble, Sanford
“It was worth waking up at 4:30a.m. to see the sunrise.” –
Scarlett Rackley, Sanford
“Honestly was shocked to see how big this RoCk was” – Alyssa
Girlie, Spartanburg
“The canyon was amazing, but I really wish Lauren would have
punted that squirrel.” – Halen Lawing, Union
“The view was breathtaking, but talking to Tupac with the
honey bun blew my mind” – Lauren Letts, Gastonia
“The Canyon was beautiful, but seeing that honey bun fly
through the air was something else.” – Bailey Rollins, Mount Holly
“What the heck, it is so big. I didn’t realize it was so big” – Carter W. Wentworth
“It was gorge-ous.” Brady Whitney, Sanford
“It’s Golden Hour BABY!!!” – Jenna Bullard, Whiteville NC
“The canyon was so beautiful and surreal” –Jordan Meyers,
Huntersville NC
“ The most beautiful, majestic and definitely the GRANDest
thing I have ever seen!” –Allie Blackburn, Lincolnton NC
“The Grand Canyon was amazing and sooo beautiful!” – Dakota
Davis, Reidsville
“The Grand Canyon was so much fun to hike” – Brett Bassani, Denver
“Hey Dad, I didn’t fall into the Grand Canyon!!”- Mandy
Peake, Winston-Salem NC
‘The Grand Canyon was an amazing experience that is
breathtaking to behold” – CJ Hill, Gastonia
“Waking up at 4:30 a.m. was definitely worth it, it was the
most beautiful thing I have ever experienced” –Danielle Sosebee, Gastonia NC
“Pictures could never express the true beauty of the Grand
Canyon!” Emma Dean, Cheraw SC
“No matter how many times you look back at it, the Grand
Canyon never stops amazing you.” –Wyatt Nance, Mooresville NC
“The Grand Canyon was like a great relationship: easy to get
into and enjoy, hard to get out of and leave behind.” – Knox Polk, Laurinburg
“Pictures don’t do the Grand Canyon justice” Jackson Hunt,
Raleigh NC
“The Grand Canyon is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
in my entire life.”- Maddy Busic, Huntersville NC
“The Grand Canyon was breathtaking and I am glad to have
been able to visit it.” Grace Trask, Beaufort SC
“Every time I looked at the Canyon, I had a completely
different view, which is absolutely amazing.” Kambrie Kearns, Mt.Croghan, SC
“I feel like I’m on top of the world, but I’m actually on
the bottom because its like a reverse mountain” Paulina Williams, Charlotte NC
“Make sure your shoes have good tread on them or you’ll bust
your butt like me… thank you Wal-Mart.” Lindsey Miller, Denver NC
“It looks like my laptop wallpaper.” –Carson Philbeck,
Stanley NC
“Wow… that’s big.” –Marshall Witherell, Belmont NC
“The Grand Canyon was an extraordinary sight to see at 17
years of age.” –Sunshine Burger, Bessemer, NC
“The Grand Canyon looked like a detailed painting…truly
unrealistic and breathtaking”-Hailey Smith, Gastonia
“The most unreal and beautiful thing I have ever seen! P.S.
I didn’t roll in, Mom!” – Olivia Goodson, Cramerton, NC
“It was better than Texas” –Jayla McCloskey, Greensboro, NC
“The canyon was definitely a climb but.. the view was
great!” –Abi Brooks, Mt. Holly,
“The Grand Canyon sure was pretty, but it wasn’t prettier
than my bed”-Greer Bennett, Cheraw, SC
“Looking at the Grand Canyon was like looking at a post card
in real life.” – Addie Brown, Stokesdale, NC
“The view and the hike were amazing, and it was also cool to
befriend an elk that licked me and let me pet her because I turned a water pump
on for her to drink. Until next time Darlene the mountain elk!” –Grant Hall,
Reidsville, NC
“To see something so vast and powerful yet full of beauty
was one of the best experiences of my life.” –Grace Elliotte Fort Mill, SC
“Seeing the Grand Canyon was unreal. Photos don’t do it
justice!” –Ava Gwaltney, Concord, NC
“It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.” –Elizabeth
Morris, Whiteville, NC
“Pretty rocks” – Ethan Burch, Cherryville, NC
“Tied for first place with Carlsbad Caverns. Can’t be
comprehended in pictures or in real life.” – Henry Thompson, Sanford, NC
“The second I seen the Grand Canyon, I finally understood
what the word beautiful actually meant” – Tykasia Davis, Union, SC
“The Grand Canyon is so pretty going down until you have to
start the hike up.” – Ashley Reep, Cherryville NC
“It’s hard to believe that an enormous hole in the ground is
beautiful, but it is. You can truly see God’s work” – Anna Osborne, Laurel Hill
“The Grand Canyon was grand!” – Walker Christian, Beaufort
“Wow. Just wow.”- Rachel Lowry, Gastonia NC
“The Grand Canyon was beautiful, amazing, and took my breath
away.”- Caroline Infinger, Laurinburg NC
“The Grand canyon was so beautiful!” –Riley McGee, Rock Hill
“It was pretty dope my dudes” - Ashlyn Wallace, G-Town NC
“I got her done” – Harrison Thomas, lickinton, NC
“Grand is an understatement.” –McKinsey Rakestraw, Madison,
“ Wish I could go back to see it” Connor Corcoran, Belmont,
“Pictures will never do the Grand Canyon justice.” –Katelyn
McKinney, NC
“No words will ever be able to convey the true beauty or
size of the Grand Canyon.” –Jameson Boyd, Snow Camp NC
“It was crazy to just be hanging out next to one of the Seven
Wonders of the World.” – Maevis Pair, Charlotte NC
“The effect that this hole in the ground had on me is
indescribable and unexplainable” – Jackson Ward, Mooresville, NC
“The Grand Canyon is indescribable and the pictures I have
will never be able to show the true beauty of Gods creation.” – Riley Houser,
Raleigh, NC
“Hiking the Grand Canyon showed God’s creation in the most
incredible way!” – Macy Monteith, Charlotte, NC
“It doesn’t even look real. It looks like a screensaver.” –
Samantha Plourde, Denver, NC
“The Grand Canyon made a geology nerd out of me for a day. “
– Caroline Heins
“I would have loved to walk 6 miles down and then ride an
elevator back up!”- Owen Joyce, Charlotte, NC
“I would’ve loved to ride the mule.” – Tyler Zill, Gastonia,