Day 14: Utah
Three words to describe today: sitting, sleeping, and salt.
Lots of salt.
We woke up bright and early around 5:00 a.m. and everybody crawled
out of their warm sleeping bags. The cold night made lots of us hesitant to get
up out of bed and many were surprised at where they ended up due to the large
hill we slept on. This made getting up that much harder. With some time we
finally got our sleepy selves on the bus and vans where we had a traveling
breakfast that included yogurt and granola in a cup. It’s one of our more
nutritious breakfasts. After eating, most people slept for about an hour before we
made yet another morning Walmart stop.

We got to see an incredible sunrise |
The desert was particularly beautiful today, as we were
still driving through the mountains and valleys of the Sierra Nevada. We passed
through the Oasis of Nevada and started watching the movies on the bus. We
began with watching the movie Rango, which was fitting because we were driving
in the desert. Then, after the movie ended we watched Napoleon Dynamite. There
were lots of differing opinions on which movies to watch, but that’s what happens when 60 different
people watch a movie. Our last movie of the day was Soul Surfer, an all-time
favorite that most people enjoyed.
Meanwhile in the van (Carolina Girl), most of us slept. It
was a lot quieter than our friends on the bus, so we were actually able to
sleep. We spent the first couples hours asleep, woke up to eat and then went
back to sleep. After a little while, we all woke up and we played some carpool
karaoke. It was TONS of fun, but we probably bothered our counselors as they
drove. Since it was a driving day, lots of us caught up on our bracelet making,
which really helped us pass the time.
After our individual driving adventures, TWB arrived at our
awesome stop of the day: the salt flats. It was actually super cool and it
looked lot like snow. It didn’t smell very good and it got over lots of
people’s shoes. Daisy got some great group pictures and some thought it would
be a good idea to lick the ground. She got pictures of that too. It looked
kinda gross, but I guess they had fun.

Once everyone got their fair share of ground salt, we rushed
back onto the bus to get to our campsite just outside of Salt Lake City. Tonight’s
dinner consisted of quesadillas and salsa with chips and cookies. Yum!! After dinner, everyone will
play on the magnificent playground at the Dow James Building (our campsite for the night) and will be sleeping comfortably
inside thanks to air conditioning. We get to play some soccer and football and there is even a swingset! We'll be back tomorrow with more blog content!

Our sunset was as beautiful as our sunrise this morning |
Sneezys signing off. :)