Day 16: Yellowstone
Hey everyone! Sneezys are bringing you the blog for one last time tonight!
After a nice misty shower during the middle of the night, we all decided to pull our tarps out to cover up with last night before we woke up bright and EARLY at 5:00 a.m. We loaded the bus and vans and left around 5:45. After a stop at the gas station this morning, we were on our way to Jackson Hole.
Once we got there, we all took a group picture in front of one of the antler arch in Jackson Square. We all headed off together to do some shopping for friends, family, and maybe (probably) ourselves. A lot of us got coffee too (considering our interrupted slumber last night). For lunch some people went back to the bus and vans to eat with the cooks, and some decided to eat out in groups to try a bison burger or tasty breakfast foods like french toast from local restaurants. After lunchtime we all headed back and loaded up to leave around noon. We then headed off to the Grand Tetons.

In the Tetons we got to visit the Chapel of Transfiguration together and sing some TWB songs. We got to be outside and admire the magnificent view of the Grand Tetons and take plenty of great pictures.
After more and more driving we finally made it to Yellowstone National Park. We started by causing some traditional TWB commotion. The V led us into the local inn where we climbed the stairs to the second level and shouted our favorite phrases “Jyes!!” and “Caw, baby caw!!” The tourists were a little confused, but some of them laughed with us as we fast walked out of there for some free time. The counselors set us free for a bit in order to let us look around in the gift shop or buy some ice cream. Those who waited in line for the ice cream were rewarded because it was SUPER good. Old Faithful was waiting for us when our free time was over and it didn’t disappoint. We weren’t sure what we expected but it was amazing!! The water went up into the sky and the water vapor around the geyser sprayed anyone standing close enough, (aka most of us TWB-ers). When we left Old Faithful, we got an amazing tour of the Painted Pots by our very own park ranger, Dustin. After the tour, we had another gourmet dinner consisting of caesar salad wraps with a side of triscuits and baby carrots. As we drove deeper into Yellowstone we noticed that the further we went, the more beautiful the scenery became. From rolling hills, to mountains towering over 12,000 feet tall, to fields full of Prairie Fire (the flower). While driving through the plains of Yellowstone, we came across a herd of Bison, some elk on a far off mountain and a flock of tourists (which are pretty common this time of year). The magnificent vistas kept coming until the sun set as we left Yellowstone and headed to our next destination: Cody, Wyoming. We're going to try and catch some zzz's for the rest of our ride tonight and then set up to sleep as quickly as possible so we're ready to wake up bright and early to go white water rafting!
Ranger Dustin |
Sneezys signing off for the last time!