Day 6: Grand Canyon
We woke up at 4:30 on a freezing cold day. We shivered out
of our enos and sleeping bags and got ready in 15 minutes… a new record! We
walked from our campsite to the entrance of the Grand Canyon and separated into
our hiking groups. They consisted of 1 mile, 3 miles and 6 miles. We set off on
our journey into the canyon. The sunrise at the Grand Canyon caught our
attention as we walked into the canyon. Lots of pictures were taken with our
new besties! The 1 mile ended around 6:10, the 3 mile ended around 8:00 and the
6 mile ended right at 10:00. After the hike we started off in the coffee and gift
shops and later moved to the laundry mat and showers and quickly realized it
was really expensive! Most people shared a washer or dryer with a friend. We
started to use the TWB flip phones and pay phones to call home to our families
and many tears were involved, also a lot of people couldn’t find service or
were sent to voicemail. PLEASE PICK UP YOUR PHONES NEXT TIME!!!

The only thing scheduled for the day was the 12:00 p.m.
Deaton stew and the 7:30 p.m. sing along. At first some people were skeptical of the Deaton stew but actually it's delicious and most of us went back for seconds! People did various things like relax, resorting and organizing their
duffel bags, eating pizza and taking fat and happy naps. In order to travel
around our campsite and avoid the squirrels and elk, we had to get familiar
with the blue bus route. Don’t take the red bus unless you’re ready for a
90-minute tour. Some spent their time shopping and getting lost on the wrong
bust routes or woods. Some even slept at the campground. Our second sing along
was much better than the first because we have gotten much closer as a group.
At the laundry mat, the alpha male/bus driver Michael helped us little people with the
laundry and dryer, thanks dad! Paulina got her butt whooped by a raven who
stole a bag. An elk almost charged Harrison during a good ole Arizona standoff.
Owen threw a sandwich at a huge chipmunk.

The boys bathroom is almost completely unusable due to French
people. The French people shoved a fork in the hand dryer and clogged the sink
washing dishes. As we are writing this blog on a non-air conditioned bus while
it is a cool 51 degrees outside, macho man Grant came to the rescue and got the
park ranger to patrol the French quarters like it's New Orleans.
After the sing-along we were surprised with our new merch, long-sleeved Grand Canyon shirts!! We've started heading to bed now and we get to sleep until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow so we are pumped!

Stay tuned we know you want more from the Dopesters!
CAAAAAW, baby caaaw!!